Tuesday 15 July 2014

My Inspiration KaeyiDream

"I feel inspired; a rare occurrence in my life". Those were the opening words to my very first blog and they were words which still ring true today. I'm a lazy person, one whom needs poking and prodding to get up and do things, it's a personal trait I hate about myself but one that I sadly possess. So on that day in March, and the several days after that I'm going to share with you the person who has inspired me the most to start blogging, I know this is a bit different from what I usually post but it's something I feel like doing.

That's her
She goes by the pseudonym of KaeyiDream, and is what I would describe as Youtube famous. She, much like me, is set on the goal of providing entertainment for people and to follow her dreams. (fitting name then?) So what makes her special, what makes her someone who is inspiring? 

As Kaeyi openly shares with her fans she faces health issues, things that could potentially hinder her current style of life and stop her in her tracks. Some people let an illness like that overcome them, let it dominate their lifestyle and they fall into the trap of being somewhere they don't want to be. Kaeyi has remained determined to stay herself, to stay true to her goals of entertaining people and following her life aspirations. This is something I find truly admirable and is something which changed me.

I have recently been overcome with the idea of doing. I no longer want to lie in bed at night, gazing at my ceiling and thinking of all the things I've never done. I describe it like this; I want to be that old man with a story for every situation, and to do that I've got to get on living. Kaeyi has almost enkindled my determination to live life to it's fullest, despite any looming obstacles.

It is this display of sheer willpower to overcome her problems, and continue to be the person she wants to be that I find admirable. So Kaeyi, if you happen to read this I want you to know that your goal to entertain people continues to be met everyday you release a video, for there is always someone who enjoys it, you have also reached the non-intentional goal of being an inspiration for not only me, but many other people like me. So I thank you, for giving me the drive to start living!

So before I go I'm going to link you to her Youtube channel, go and show her some love! Thanks for reading, I know it's a bit different but I hope you enjoyed regardless!


Youtube channels links -https://www.youtube.com/user/KaeyiDream
                                       - https://www.youtube.com/user/InTheLittleDream

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