Monday 31 March 2014

OBJECTION! You've not done any reviews?!

Yep, you caught me red handed I've not done any reviews yet. I have thus far gone against the creed of my whole blog (I'm a horrible person I know). So here I am with a review at last and just like the title hinted at my review it also very unsubtly hinted at the review topic.

In the review I plan to weigh up all the goods and bads of the game and discuss why I had my gripes with certain parts or why I loved others before giving my final opinion of the game and giving a score out of 100%.
The Wright team

For those who haven't guessed it it's the spiky haired Attorney Phoenix Wright who has made his début into my life along with Apollo and Athena ( Someone liked names beginning with A ) in Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney- Dual Destinies. I certainly wasn't disappointed.

In my typical Blog format I'm a gonna go on and explain the premise for all you uninitiated to the game series. Phoenix Wright is a - you guessed it - ace attorney! And as the player you are tasked with compiling evidence from the crime scene through investigation and conversation before using all your findings to point out contradictions in the witnesses testimonies and ultimately delivering the defendant to a 'Not Guilty' verdict.

Unfortunate for me though Dual Destinies goes by another name : Ace Attorney 5. As you can guess for a newcomer for me this throws a small spanner into the works in terms of story. Whilst the story is new and fresh for the most part there is many a cameo appearance of characters and also many a reference to a previous case where Mr Wright himself was the accused. Now this detracts from some of the charm the game. All these throwbacks to the previous titles are unappreciated by newcomers. However it's not a major issue - heck if anything it makes me want to play the other games even more but it's still something which might throw some newcomers to the series.

The gameplay however is defiantly something I can appreciate with no prior introduction to the series. What the gameplay boils down to is really a series of five well crafted stories all woven in-between one big plot (Bar case two). Whilst I personally love this type of game, where you sit and watch the tightly held secrets of the case unfold before you as you find contradictions aplenty there are others who will hate it. Hate it for the simple fact that there really isn't much too it. Some people like games with action to it, something where you're just dumped and told to shoot this, or stab that. For those kinds of people this game will most likely not appeal because if you don't want to sit through hours of text scrolling then it's not for you.
Typical gameplay

So in one deft swoop what to some will be Dual Destinies greatest asset; to others will be it's biggest flaw. That being the gameplay. But for people like myself who like this sort of game there are still some niggles here and there with the writing. My biggest gripe with the writing is how it goes for a humour which just doesn't click with me. And as I'm reading some of the back and forth between Phoenix and the Judge then it's just feels a bit unnecessary, sometimes.

It's this sometimes which in almost every bad aspect of the game. The small back and forth and general conversation whilst sometimes unnecessary also acts as a window into showing us more about the characters themselves and letting us connect on a personal level.
The fact this isn't accessible to everyone
decreases the score the most, but it's
still a great store, and I implore any
3DS owner to pick it up!

So with all the above points in mind it makes it difficult to appoint a final verdict (See what I did there?). I hereby charge the accused guilty of being a joy to play through the use of its well written characters and stories. I also declare the accused guilty of the lack of actual controllable action and some mediocre humour as well. (And all of here) I shall now sentence the accused to a 77%.

Thank you all for reading!

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