Friday 21 March 2014

The magic of Pokémon

Recently I found myself down in Dundee for the 2014 Pokémon battle tournament. This was the first time I'd ever entered an official tournament for anything and it was brilliant; even though I went out in the first round. The atmosphere of being round like minded people with the same interests, all talking the same Pokémon jargon. This atmosphere was something I only experienced once before at the 2013 MCM Comic-Con down in Glasgow. 

So with my latest Pokémon experience being in the competitive scene it made me wonder about my first foray into the region of Sinnoh and with that my first ever Pokémon game, Pokémon Platinum.

Instinctive loving

Pokémon holds this famous status with it, so that even if like me you were never exposed to the games, or TV show then you still had this small amount of interest for it. I mean everyone knows at least one Pokémon (I'm looking at you Pikachu) so no matter how hard you try the only way you can avoid Pokémon is by burying yourself under a Rock and never leaving again. So with this almost instinctive interest in a franchise I'd never played I found myself walking home from my local Supermarket clutching the small plastic box of Platinum with wonder.

Little did I know that the small plastic cartridge inside would the gate into a small obsession of mine for the next 5 years.

Pokémon Platinum is what is best described as the directors cut version of the Gen IV games : Diamond and Pearl. So although unbeknownst to me at the time that meant it was the most definitive version of Pokémon title to date.

For those unfamiliar with Pokémon the player is tasked with the goal of defeating the elite 4 - the 4 best Pokémon trainers in the region - and becoming the Champion. Along the way there'll be a story usually involving an evil group with the rather unimaginative goal of taking over the world. Though at it's heart Pokémon is about what the slogan simply states ; to "Catch 'em all". It's the easy to get into and insanely addictive formula of battling, training and catching Pokémon which makes it something special.

And there's really no more of a special time than you're first Pokémon experience. That first couple of hours playing Pokémon is something rather exciting. There is this joy as the whole world opens up around you and your trusty starter - Piplup for me - embark on this epic journey to save the world and become the best of the best!

So 60+ hours later I find myself completing a masterpiece of a game. And come years later embarking on a same sort of Journey in : Soulsilver , Black, White 2. And throughout each of the afore mentioned titles there was that lack of magic I found in Platinum. The lack of that fresh new formula of "Catching them all" that whilst still addicting isn't as new to you, isn't quite as griping as it once was. So for years Platinum was my favourite Pokémon title; on the sole reason it was my first ever Pokémon game.

The magic returns!

That changed with the release of Pokémon X and Y later last year. With the upgrade to 3D graphics it added a whole new breath of life to the series, bringing with it the magic of Platinum.

I remember the first day I actually played the game : everything was new. Simple things like battling was made much more dynamic and interesting by this graphical overhaul. Even going about the Kalos region was a joy. A particular favourite of mine is at the very start of the game you have to walk to Aquacorde Town from Vaniville Town via Route 1. Just as you leave Vaniville town the camera sweeps into an over the shoulder perspective, allowing you to see into the town ahead. 

With such a big change like that it was the first big sign of something new, something exciting and most importantly something Magical. The likes of which I hadn't experienced since Platinum.

This makes me excited for the future of Pokémon. I mean where will Game Freak take the series next; will that be as magical as X and Y or Platinum, and if not; what will? 

Thanks for reading


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