Wednesday 19 March 2014

Welcome to my Blog


Hello one and all. I feel inspired; a rare occurrence in my life but one that clearly does happen. I guess we start with the title, the reason this is a thing: I want to write. I'm not the best writer by any stretch but I enjoy getting my opinion and views out there just for people to see and hopefully enjoy!

As the overall title of this blog suggests this will be gaming related. I want to just give across my views and opinions of games I've been playing recently, or just my general gaming muses and thoughts that occasionally pop into my frazzled mess of a mind. The games will probably not be very recent, just things I feel like playing and giving my opinion on.

The medium of writing on the interwebs is one that only recently came to me; my original idea being Videos. I realised with them that I simply didn't have the equipment, time or drive to really make anything worthwhile for the audience I wanted to please. So I put myself here, keyboard at my fingers mind buzzing with ideas of what to say and do and play.
I'm actually excited by this. If I forget the nervous thoughts eagerly telling me to delete all this and stop then I am excited.

I feel the need to state that there will be no restrictions on what I choose to speak about, no particular company or time period. If I happen to be playing an old game on a Nintendo console and I want to speak about that then I will; but I could also talk about a big, triple A title on Xbox.  

Overall, this shall be gaming related. About my opinions towards games, and my views on certain things within that industry because it's an industry I enjoy. I will not have the best writing style, or perfect spelling and punctuation but I try my best, and hope that some of you will enjoy the mad ramblings I pass for a blog and stick around to see more.

Anyhoo, I'll end this before I go on to long!
Thanks for Reading!

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